Day to Day Adventures

New habits that help build reading time in a busy mom's day!

Kim Brush6 Comments
Book of the Month

What happens when you have too MANY irons in the fire? That's where I am at right now!

New reading habits that are helping me to read more non fiction books and make progress on my 2016 reading goals -

The good thing is that you sleep really well.  Sometimes I'm in bed as early as 9:30 p.m.  That is shocking for this night owl. 

The bad thing is that you fall asleep before you get your normal 30 minutes of reading at bedtime.  So my book list is shorter this month but I am super proud that I finished another non-fiction book.  They are so hard for me!  

New Habits for February

Habit #1Before I even get up in the mornings, I am indulging in the guilty pleasure of reading in bed. 

Habit #2Reading while I exercise.  Our bike has a place to rest my Ipad so my time there is devoted to my current non-fiction book. 


By adding in these two times of reading each day, I am making some real progress in those non-fiction books which usually put me to sleep if I read them at night.

Slow progress is still progress.  I'm convinced over and over that my 2016 word of the year, PROGRESS, is exactly right.  Progress in reading, progress in health, progress in habits. 

Progress on 2016 book list

I read fewer books this month.  But that's okay because it is still progress.

New reading habits that are helping me to read more non fiction books and make progress on my 2016 reading goals -

graphics from

Dear Mr. Knightley by Katherine Reay

This book was not at all what I thought it would be. . . but I loved it.  It is the story of a girl who has lived through terrible things in the foster care system and how she works her way through the scars via letters written to an anonymous grant donor who funds her masters degree in journalism.   The story is woven around her life as she learns to cope, love others and develop relationships that matter.

Boys in the Boat - Non Fiction - Memoir by Daniel Brown

I have avoided this book because it seemed like EVERYONE was talking about it.  I don't know why but I often avoid the "popular" books.  However after having it recommended by a couple of bloggers that I respect, I finally reserved it at the library.  It took me nearly all month to read it but I’m so glad I did.  This is the amazing story of the rowing team from University of Washington and their quest for Olympic Gold in 1936.  It was full of lessons about perseverance, trust, the Great Depression & the build up to WWII.  Wonderful read!

August (Prairie Grooms book 1) by Kit Morgan

This book was a light, fun read.  Three English sisters are mail order brides who arrive and are courted in the "primitive" old west.  It is a G rated romance.  A quick read with not a lot of depth of plot or story.

New reading habits that are helping me to read more non fiction books and make progress on my 2016 reading goals -

graphics from

Books still in progress from February


Yes I'm STILL reading this book from last month's list.  Let's just say I am choosing to savor the wisdom from Sally Clarkson & Sarah Mae.  I'm hit hard by the lessons which are highlighted in each chapter.  So many I have experienced myself.  Some of them I am still working through and learning from.  I highly recommend this book for moms who want to grow and become a better woman.  This is the book I read first thing in the morning and it has helped me look ahead to each day with the right attitude.

His Majesty’s Dragon by Naomi Novik

Ok I admit to loving books with dragons.  I could write a whole post on books that I love that feature dragons.  Don’t ask me why I'm like that.  Anyway . . . I’m not done with this book but I highly recommend it.  The setting is the era of the Napoleonic wars--so it is historical in a way.  However it is also a fantasy because dragons are part of the fighting in this spin off of history.  I’m loving it so far and I’m excited that there are 3 books in this series!

Will it Fly? by Pat Flynn (non fiction1!)

After listening to Pat Flynn’s podcast, Smart Passive Income, I was convinced to read this book.  He’s an entertaining, high energy guy.  He’s run several online businesses and I love his wisdom.   As I ride the stationary bike for my physical therapy I've been working my way through this book.  I’ve already learned bunches!  It's also a great free book, if you have Amazon Kindle Unlimited.

What have YOU been reading lately?  Leave a comment--I'd love to hear!

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