Day to Day Adventures

Our crazy volunteer "climbing" pumpkins

GardenKim Brush5 Comments

I think that ORANGE is the color that I associate most with fall.  Pumpkins and beautiful trees that turn flaming orange are my favorite orange things of autumn. This year we had an amazing pumpkin plant that climbed the fence and hung it's fruit 4 feet in the air!!!

Our crazy volunteer climbing pumpkins -
Our crazy volunteer climbing pumpkins -
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Our crazy volunteer climbing pumpkins -

I’m working this week on decorating my front porch and I’m a little sad.  We planted pumpkins last year and the year before.  I love buying a pack of seeds for $1 and not spending $5 per pumpkin in the fall!  We had enough to carve plus it gave us bunches to decorate with and some to cook up for pies and desserts!

Our crazy volunteer climbing pumpkins -

No pumpkins in 2016?

Sadly because my garden was a failure this year, we didn’t actually get the pumpkins seeds planted.  But I am still laughing at God’s sense of humor because we ended up with several cute little pumpkins to use.  When my husband put the pumpkin goop from carving pumpkins on the compost pile a year ago, I never thought that the seeds would sprout but they did!

Our crazy volunteer climbing pumpkins -
Our crazy volunteer climbing pumpkins -

So we had several vines and one of them was CRAZY! And climbed up the garden fence to grow behind our hay bale.  We used an old t-shirt to support the pumpkin as it got bigger.  It was dangling from the fence and would have broken off if it wasn't supported.  The t-shirt worked really well.  I’ve often seen gourds and little pumpkins grow this way but it works for big ones too if you support them!  Who would have guessed!

Our crazy volunteer climbing pumpkins -

Decorating with a few pumpkins

Our crazy volunteer climbing pumpkins -

So I'm thankful that we have a few pumpkins from our volunteer plants that look cute on our front porch.  I think we might need a mum or two to fill in the empty area.  Not orange, I think maybe white, red or yellow!

Our crazy volunteer climbing pumpkins -

What color do you think Fall is?  Orange or something else?

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