Day to Day Adventures


End of Our Homeschool Year - 2015

HomeschoolKim Brush2 Comments

We are so close to the end of the year.  Like REALLY close.

I started this post with funny facts in mind but it has morphed into a serious reflection on our year. 

End of our homeschool year

1.  We all want a vacation.  Me especially. 

What is it about finishing something that is so hard?  I have partly finished projects all over my house.  The reward of finishing one is so sweet.  That said, I like starting projects a lot more than finishing them.  Each school year is no different.  The end of a school year is a much harder time for me than the beginning. 

It takes perseverance to finish something well.  It would be so easy to just give up.  I want to.  I really do.  But there is a bigger lesson in this than finishing a school year.  Both for me and my students.  My children (and yours) are watching us every day battle to do things we don't want to do. 

Don't think they aren't watching.  They are. 

I keep going because I want my kids to be finishers.  Not giving up on hard things is a HUGE lesson to learn.   I want to be a good example of this and encourage them as they work to finish well.

2.   Change drudgery to fun

Daddy science class.  Joshua & Megan analyzing how a cows heart works.

Daddy science class.  Joshua & Megan analyzing how a cows heart works.

Learning can be a lot of fun.  And it often is around the Brush household.  However the lessons, the grading and the daily dedication is not always fun for the teacher or the student.  We are at the end of our books.  The final few chapters are left.  Every time we finish up a subject there is a mini celebration.  The feeling of putting away a book is glorious!

We use those small celebrations as the incentive.  Then we spring board that excitement into the next subject to tackle.  Once math was finished, we were able to double up on science.  When science is done we will be doing LOTS of literature & history reading.  It's a snowball effect and if we focus on the momentum and excitement of that then the drudgery of finishing disappears!

3.  Whining about Being Behind

I like to whine.  It's more fun to have sympathy than to work.  I want to wallow in the guilt of not being done already.  Blaming myself is easier than buckling down and working. 

In past years, we would shoot to finish in mid-May.  Since we didn't start school in August as planned and I had a cornea transplant in December that has put us WAY behind.  Not to mention the process of getting Elizabeth diagnosed with Celiac disease in December.(when it rains--it pours right?)

It would be easy to just say "oh well we will never finish this year because ____________" 

But we can finish.  Looking at the plans on the calendar I know it can be done.  We just have to work instead of whining about our "situation"   

4.  distractions are . . . distracting

We all want to be out in the sunshine.  Playing in the garden, shooting baskets or riding our bikes.  Elizabeth is home from college and comes up with great ideas for what would be a fun to do.  She's excellent at fun!  My answer to her is almost always "Well, maybe after school is done" 

End of homeschool year
End of our homeschool year

Sometimes I just say--let's go.  Funny how after we go and have some fun then the distractions are easier to resist and we are more motivated to get back to work and finish the day's to do list. 

5.  List is too long

I've been using the Wunderlist app lately to keep me on track.  Notice I said on track--I don't use it to get things done. 

I never get my to-do list done.  EVER

The kids always have more work they can do.  That can feel so overwhelming if I let it.

It wasn't long ago that I couldn't do what I wanted to do(not lifting more than 5 pounds or leaning over) and that was overwhelming.  Feeling helpless is just as overwhelming as having a long to do list. 

The ability to get up and work on my list is a blessing. That to-do list isn't an evaluation of my day.  If it was I'd fail every single time.  Instead I think of the list is a guide.  Sure I try to check off as many things as possible.  But I know that there are TONS of other things I get done that never even make the list. 

My kids are the same way.  The goal is to do as many lessons a day right now as possible.  But if we can't due to some unforeseen event or fun activity we choose?  Well then tomorrow's to-do list is already started.

Reading history, LOTS & LOTS of History.  He loves this!

Reading history, LOTS & LOTS of History.  He loves this!

The plan.  Each week we check off the work on our assignment sheets.

The plan.  Each week we check off the work on our assignment sheets.

I'm sure there are lots more lessons we've learned along the way.  These are the BIG ones for us.  We are ready to start the summer and enjoy that time off but we will finish this year well first! 

What lessons are you learning or have you learned this year?

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Other Home School posts

3 Ways to sell Homeschool Curriculum

HomeschoolKim Brush3 Comments
Home school hints & tips

We've been homeschooling for going on 18 years.  That is a CRAZY amount of time!!!! 

Now I love books, especially a few good history books but as we wrapped up the elementary grades & headed in to middle school & now high school well . . . . I need to start purging the curriculum and books that we will not need again. 

I'll tell you a secret. 

I have some great new shelves around a window seat that Steve built but I do not want them totally filled up with books!  My plan is to have my scrapbook supplies and fabric for sewing stashed in some fun Ikea boxes.  That way everything is handy when I get a few minutes of free time!

3 ways to sell homeschool curriculum -

1. Used Curriculum Sale at our local support group.  This spring I organized a sale by sending out a few emails to find out who was interested.  Lots of people had things to sell!  I'm hopeful that this will be come an annual event.


2. Use Facebook.  I found the most success here.  There are several groups that you can join to post your used curriculum and books.  I used Homeschool Curriculum Marketplace.  I'm sure there are others out there.  Just make sure to read the rules for each group before you post your curriculum.  Check the helpful hints below before you post on facebook!

3. Use Websites.  One is to sell books & one is to swap books.  Both have their uses.  .

online shop

Home School Classifieds--I used this when I need curriculum.  I've bought math, science and language arts curriculum on this website.  Just look through for what you want and contact the seller.  It is just as easy to list books.  Use the hints below to help you put your ad up.

Paper Back Swap--We read a lot!  Most books I'm after I can locate at our local library.  But if I cannot then I look here first.  I have listed books & swapped them for credits.  I can spend my credits to get a book someone else has listed.  Only money spent is on shipping.  Love this! 


I know that there are dozens of other websites out there.  These are two I've had success using.

Helpful Hints

  • Take pictures of the the books you want to sell.  
  • Look on Amazon for a description of your curriculum. 
  • Decide how much you want to sell it for.
  • Write a description(or copy the Amazon description)-
  • be detailed and honest about the shape your curriculum is in. 
  • Add on a few dollars for shipping(I just guessed)

Be sure to consider what kind of payment you will accept.  I accepted checks but I cashed them before I mailed the books.  Most people wanted to use Paypal and that worked great.  Remember when you list your books to add on the price of shipping.

One of my major organization goals this summer is to post more books & get them out of my house and on to someone else's shelves.  I will definitely be using Facebook & Home School Classifieds to make this happen.

What ways have you sold home school curriculum?  I'd love to try some new methods!

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Comfortable Homeschooling

HomeschoolKim Brush1 Comment

I have dreamed of this room for years and years.  It has almost all our schooling supplies in it.  There are more bookshelves and storage than I know what to do with.  I have all my scrapbook supplies and sewing supplies(minus some boxes of fabric) all in this room.  But that is NOT what this post is about.  Sorry for the rabbit trail. 


But I LOVE LOVE LOVE this room.  Today the awesome thing about my work room is of course our window seat with shelves.

Everyone in the family loves to sit on this seat.  Since this post I have made a cushion for it and it looks awesome. 

If you need a custom covered cushion, go check out the tutorial!


I've spent much of the winter looking out this window dreaming of spring.  It is the perfect place for reading, snoozing or just looking out the window at the GREEN grass that is growing like crazy. We can see who drives in the driveway and check on the puppies in the back yard. 


I didn't think it would be so perfect but it is!

Joshua found the perfect solution for right now to make the wooden seat more comfy.  He often reads in this seat when he's doing his homeschooling. 

THIS is one of the privileges of schooling at home.  You can pull your bean bag or pillow or blanket in to the spot in the sun to get comfortable.

My kids learn better when they are not stuck in their chair at a desk or table.  I've seen some very unusual ways of reading but I really like this one.  He's 12 and growing like a weed.  I am afraid he will not fit here next year.

What creative place do your children choose to read?

Some days are just better spent in PJs and comfy chairs.  Here's how we do the comfortable version of homeschooling! -