Day to Day Adventures

How to homeschool with peace in December

Kim Brush4 Comments

Is there a way to homeschool with peace in December?  Yes and no. 

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My "perfect" Christmas list as a homeschool mom

  1. Happy children (well rested and healthy)
  2. Enough money to get everyone the perfect gift
  3. Time to do leisurely shopping with each child so they can give gifts to others and learn generosity(see #2 above)
  4. School is easily accomplished and we have a shortened schedule so we can go to special holiday celebrations without stress
How to homeschool with peace in December -

Do you have a picture in your mind of what a peaceful December looks like?  Does it include homeschooling?  Then you know that the above list is a total joke.  Friend, if we cling to our "perfect" ideals then I am afraid that peace will be far away this Christmas season.

Illness happens.  They kids are tired and cranky(parents too).  There is no such things as a perfect gift and enough money?  Probably not.  Time is short and spending quantity and quality time with each kid just doesn't happen in this season.  Add homeschooling to that mix and things are even a little more complicated than normal.


How to find peace in December while homeschooling

These are the 5 words that guide me towards peace as we continue to do school each day.

  • Purposefulness
  • Essentials
  • All about Jesus
  • Cultivate family culture
  • Ease up on perfectionism

I'm totally privileged to be guest posting on this topic today on Life of a Homeschool Mom as part of her ABCs of Homeschooling Through the Holidays Series. 

Go check out the full post on Homeschooling with Peace in December!