Day to Day Adventures

Why I am writing here. . .

Kim2 Comments
April 12-1_edited-1

Blogging was something of an experiment.  I started this blog(almost 2 years ago) as a way to journal the “big” events in our family’s history so that I could share with family & friends who are far away.  I am so grateful to those people I know in “real” life who read these, sometimes amusing, accountings of our daily lives.  I also love that I now have several “new” friends who read along as my family has it’s adventures.

My name is Kim & I have been married to my dear hubby for almost 20 years(next week!)  We’ve been together for along time but everyday provides us with a new way to learn to grow and change in to the people & couple that God wants us to be.   We aren’t this young anymore but hey I love this picture even if is from actual film and is a bit fuzzy.


One after the other we’ve added 4 sweet children to our family. 


Ranging from 19 to almost 9 they certainly keep us hopping each day.  Just this year we saw our first child leave the nest to attend his first year of college. 


It was difficult to let go and watch him take charge of his life.  But he’s flying and we have all survived thus far.

We manage to squeeze many things in to the time that we have day to day.  Vacations to places far away happen from time to time—camping most of the time. 




Independence Rock on the way to Yellowstone

Each year the kids participate in Bible Quizzing.  They memorize a ton of scripture & then compete once a month.  It is fun, crazy, and hair pulling.  There is NO better activity for teenagers.  It gets them grounded and plants God’s Word in their hearts.


We love to play games & do puzzles together.  Homeschooling is our method of education.  Recently I had surgery & so our current adventure involved me and crutches.  Which means my family handling a lot of things around the house that they aren’t used to doing.  It is going well but when the next 12 days of confinement are over there will be much rejoicing in the house.

Raising children, being a wife, walking the path God has placed before me sums up the journey recorded here.

Come along with me, I would love to have you follow this blog if you feel led to do so.  Sign up for posts to be sent to your email or to your Google Reader. 

He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.  Micah 6:7-9