Day to Day Adventures


Where we were . . . 2002

Kim BrushComment
Where we were



It has been almost 13 years since we welcomed this high energy, loving, extrovert of a child in to our home. 

I'm not sure why God saved him for last but man he keeps me on my feet  (and gives me gray hair).  On the other hand he's easy to love and enjoys just hanging out with you no matter what you are doing.

He's also crazy.  He makes us laugh with his antics, noises, hugs, forgetfulness, & in your face, messy way of living.

Happy Birthday Joshua.  You make everyday an adventure. 


For all his craziness this is what I see Joshua doing the most(well besides playing Minecraft but who wants a picture of that?). 


Hugs & Bike rides


My little people are growing up too fast.

Megan has grown 2 feet in the last month—okay not really.  She is not a little girl anymore.   She is learning to be a lady & loves doing girly things.  Like take a sewing class & make a new pillowcase!

She’s been a little lost today.  I could see it in her wandering around the house.  I gave everyone another day completely off school so I could do some planning & projects around here.  But she just wasn’t sure what to do with that time. 

Tonight while Dad & the other kids helped a neighbor with his fence she & I loaded our bikes up.  We made a short drive to a park for a 30 minute ride.  I REALLY needed the time outside exercising & it was good to spend time together laughing & racing. 


We kind of felt like a team since we both just got new bikes.  She has a nice light blue & I got this purple!  They were on sale at Target last week & I couldn’t resist.  On her old bike she was hitting her knees on the handle bars!  Mine has had some mechanical issues so it was time for an upgrade!

When we got back to the Suburban, I got a hug & a “Thanks Mommy.  That was fun.”  The twinkle in the eye was back and she was more peaceful.  I think this little girl is going to need individual mom time as she navigates these teen years.

We got home right at bed time. . .I love long summer evenings.  Everyone went to bed easily.  I was in the kitchen thinking about our bike ride when I heard Joshua talking with his dad who had gone to give bedtime kisses.  Steve was in the doorway & Joshua said “Dad can I have another hug?” 

This picture isn’t a huggy picture.  Joshua tends to be more wacky than that but he and his dad built this model and he loved the time & energy that Dad devoted to the project with him. 

We love our kids and try to show them daily.  That “one more hug” sort of stole the breath out of me.  How many one more hugs do I have with these guys? 

I am going to squeeze in as many as I can.  Joshua is such a sweet guy.  He loves to snuggle & hug.  I confess sometimes I get weary of it but I realize that is his way of saying “I love you.”  So I am going to love him back with his own method.

I am so grateful for the four kids that God has given me to parent, love & guide.  I want to go on many more bike rides & I don’t want to miss a single hug that has my name on it.


Praying for my children

Kim3 Comments

Do you purposefully pray for your children? 

I mean beyond “Please God keep them safe"?

I have done different praying at different times in their(my) lives. 

1.  Infant—Please HELP me God, I don’t know what I am doing.


2.  Infant—Please God just a few minutes of sleep?

3.  2 years—Please HELP me God, I may loose my mind.

4.  3 years—Please God will he/she ever go in the potty?

5.  Middle Years—Please HELP me God, you meant them to be my kids right?  They are so strange.

June 1999-2_edited-2

6.  Middle Years—Please God will they survive to be adults?

7.  Teen Years—Oh Lord, you and me right?  HELP!


8.  Teen Years—Lord help them to be pure and wait for the mate you have for them.  Help them desire your best.

9.  Teen Years—Please God help them to hear their tone of voice.

10.  College Years—Please Lord, bring him home once in a while.


Today I don’t have bottles & diapers to deal with any more, but the remaining years seem to be flying by as my little people are rapidly becoming BIG people.

This morning I was blessed to have this verse jump off the page.

Asking God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all spiritual wisdom and understanding. 

And we pray this in order that you may life a life worthy of the Lord and may please him in everyway; bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God.       Colossians 1:9-10

Even if it wasn’t highlighted already I would have recognized this verse.  I have prayed this over and over for my children. 

For so many of those younger years I kept looking for the fruit of my labors.  I did see some good fruit.  They would share toys, play nicely & speak kindly—most of the time.  But it seemed I saw my fair share of rotten fruit too.  Hitting, selfishness, laziness—they are/were human after all.

Now I am learning to let them go.  A year ago I was a total mess.  All I knew was that my oldest, who was a senior, was LEAVING. 


My heart was breaking and I cried A LOT.  I couldn’t stand it.

I knew he was ready for this step and that he would continue to grow and become an amazing young man.  BUT it is hard to let go and see things change.

I prayed that verse many times because I knew that God would take care of him when I wasn’t there.  I didn’t want him to stay the same but finding a way to let go was just beyond me.

So I continue to pray although he isn’t under my roof everyday.  I don’t know where he is most of the time.  I pray for him to have good fruit in his life. 

But I know my job—to pray and lift all my children up so that God can fill them with the knowledge of his will.

What do you pray over and over for your children?

High Impact Ideas . . . Lazy Logic

Kim1 Comment

A friend & I were having a discussion about lazy logic today.  How do you get others to do for you so you can be lazy? 

Laziness is not a good thing.  I(like many humans) don’t like to work.  I would rather sit and read a book or take an nap.  But God made us for work.  There are so many things he has planned for us to do in our lifetimes.  I do know that God doesn’t say we have to do it ALL for our families, husbands, parents, or friends.  He has a unique plan laid out for us.  Part of my plan is that I must teach my children.

Teach----not  do for them.

I can be a bit of a perfectionist.  I’ve been known to redo something that isn’t done my way.  I am ashamed when this happens because I had this done to me as a child.  I can’t tell you how worthless it made me feel to have “my” hard work redone.  If I redo a chore or project that a child has done , then I try to talk to them first and have them redo it or we redo it together.  


So here is my Lazy Logic.  It sounds bad . . . but wait it really isn’t.


My hubby looked at me one day and said “You need to work yourself out of a job.”  What he meant was “teach” them to work and manage it in such a way that you don’t have to do everything!  At first I was offended, but he was right God had given me “helpers” I just needed to train them.

So by delegating being lazy I found I had more hours in the day.  WE started young and it made a huge difference.  They know work is expected and that there isn’t a free ride here.  It might seem harsh but when there is work to be done I can honestly say that they know how to do it!

They each have had a turn cleaning out the cat litter pans(yuck!).  They each have had to take the dog out for exercise in the rain or cold.  They all know how to clean a toilet(even the 8 year old).

Children are capable of so much IF we just trust them to learn how.  If we just take the time to teach them instead of “just doing it ourselves.”  We rob them of an opportunity when we do this.

I have the perfect example.  I was struggling to get the papers graded for all 4 kids.  I really needed just 30 minutes of undisturbed time.  So again my wise hubby suggested “Let the kids fix lunch.” I nodded acceptingly looked at him like he was nuts and made that happen. 


We don’t do sandwiches everyday.  I usually make something simple(is there any other way to do lunch?) or we warm up leftovers.  Well each child chose something easy each week to fix.  I think letting them choose made all the difference but that is another post.  My youngest daughter made the same thing for a month(1X each week) as she was learning a new skill, while the other 2 made things that they had be already taught.  This WORKED!  I had my 30 minutes & they contributed to the running of the house!

So today I advocating being a little bit lazy.  Teach your child to work.  Expect him/her to do something.  Don’t redo it for them.  Oh and don’t forget to PRAISE them and BRAG on them(in their presence) to friends, grandparents, or complete strangers.  There is not better way to build their self esteem & confidence.


Do you have any High Impact or Lazy Logic Ideas today? 

Please comment & share!