Day to Day Adventures

Blessings from the week volume 4

Kim BrushComment

Some weeks my blessings are people.  Some weeks it is events. 

This week has been boring in terms of big stuff.  Life is made up of small inconsequential moments that we need to pay attention to or it just slips by.

Joy in everyday normal stuff

1.  My favorite mug with hot tea in it with a quiet house

I am creature of habit and routine.  Most mornings you can find me curled up in my chair sipping my tea to wake up.  Thank God for caffeine.

2. Hugs from my kids

The two who are still at home are huggers.  I can count on a morning and evening hug from the with more through out the day. 

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3.  Money to take care of needs

Sounds materialistic huh?  Really I'm not but I am incredibly grateful that we are blessed to have what we need plus some.  This week I bought glasses and contacts for the kids.  Felt expensive but we only do that once a year or so and we save for it.  Budgeting is a good thing.

4. Good health care & good doctors.

We were back in for a check up for Elizabeth.  We love her doctor.  She truly cares and wants as normal of a life for her as possible.  Just the fact that we have options is a blessing.  Traditional medicine hasn't helped pain and fatigue problems a ton but we have been able to look into herbal medicine and supplements to help her as well.

5.  Resuming regular activities

Trail life, Far Above Rubies Bible study and Bible quizzing practice all started back up this week. 

Honestly it was exhausting.  We were gone most evenings. But it felt normal.  It is what we do.

6.  Harvest of tomatoes

We are finally seeing a harvest from the garden.  The hot weather is ripening the MANY green tomatoes that we have.  I expect over the next week to see more so we will be canning as we home school.

Blessings volume 4 -

7.  Education at home

The books are out.  We are taking pretests & making copies.  I'm planning how much we need to do this month to be done in May.  School is starting.  Again it feels right and I'm so glad that we get to do school.  I'm still reflecting on past years because I learn from looking back at our journey. 

I could go on and on but I'll stop there.  Facebook has been giving me flashback status's from a year ago.  This year my list is very different.  But I will share it because I'm so thankful we have had a "normal" week.

2014 Blessings

  • First whole day without anti fungal drops. No grit in my eye when I woke up. At home I had more time without the patch.
  • Rebekah helping me conserve energy.
  • Overcast day + no watering for my eye = Me driving a few places!
  • energy to put away paint mess
  • waking up with more sunshine coming in(half open curtains)

There is no comparison from last year to this year.  Life is moving forward in the normalness of our days.

What are your blessings this week? 

Share what you are thankful for in the comments or on the Day to Day Adventures Facebook page.