Day to Day Adventures

Just Joshua

It seems silly to say I am thankful for my children.  Of course I am thankful for them.  But I need to say it about Joshua.  Some days I have to list why I am thankful for him in my head.  He drives me crazy.  A lot.  So here goes

I am thankful for his imagination.  I never know what is going on in his head.  Today he asked me what ignite was(although he knows).  Then he looked it up by himself in the dictionary just to prove that I wasn’t quite right.


I am thankful he is brave.

He loves to find a new cool bug, animal, or toad.

And pick it up. And show it up close to me.

I love that he is smart.

He buzzes through his school work so fast that I have a hard time keeping up with him.


I am thankful that he loves to play.

It keeps him busy after school is done.

I am thankful that he knows no strangers.

He will make lots of friends and lead them many places in life.

I am thankful that he tells me EVERYTHING.  I could be wondering instead.

But most of all I love & I am thankful for Joshua’s faces.

He is just Joshua.

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