Day to Day Adventures

4 ways memorizing scripture can impact your child's life

HomeschoolKim Brush2 Comments

You know the phrase “You are what you eat?” 

Well I believe that is true but I also believe that “You are what you repeat”

Power of repeating

When we create a habit by repeating an action or learn a set of information by repeating it aloud then those things quickly becomes part of us.

That is very POWERFUL and life changing.  Read on for 4 ways (and more) that this can impact you and your children . . . .

5 BEST things about summer // Life is Lovely #11

Kim Brush7 Comments

Summer weather is finally here!  How do I know?  Well I haven’t had to slip on a hoodie for a week or two.  Missouri weather can be rather bipolar but once it hits 80 and stays there I am SO happy!

We’ve been enjoying the weather so I thought I would share some of my favorite summer things.  This is what makes summer to me.