Day to Day Adventures

Blessings of the Week volume 15

Kim BrushComment

Sadly this is the last Blessing of the Week post that I will be doing in 2015.

On Monday, I will have 2 weeks left until my hip replacement surgery.  I will not be posting as often in December.  Mainly because of surgery but I also want to slow down & enjoy the time with my family.

This whole finding joy in everyday life is a challenge right now.  My family has been wonderful.  

I hurt.  Constantly.

All I want to do is whine and complain.  They just keep encouraging me and handing out hugs.

I’m choosing to focus on the fact that I have SO much to be thankful for!

Blessings of the Week -

1.  Elizabeth’s improvement from healing her leaky gut

When we moved her home over a month ago, she & I were in about the same shape.  Hurting, tired, unable to do much for very long.  In fact I think I was a little better off.  I was still carrying stuff up and down stairs. She wasn't.

In the past week to ten days that has changed.  

Changes & Improvements

  • Doing multiple activities with little or no fatigue
  • Physical therapy doesn’t wipe her out for the day
  • Shooting baskets and walking around outside
  • Traveling with little pain
  • Volunteering to help

None of these are big things alone but when we look at the whole picture this shows me that our current food sensitivity diet is helping her to heal. 

Blessings of the week -


2.  Good Will finds

Steve & I stopped at the good will last weekend. 

He likes to get cheap books.  I’m not so specific. 

Lately I’ve been pretty lucky!  

  • $4 jeans(these make me so happy!)
  • $3 sweaters
  • Costumes for play kids were in
  • Calvin & Hobbes collections
  • $40 Cute chair for living room------------->
  • $8 Huge cat tree for Elizabeth’s new cat



3.  Thanksgiving meal at Michael & Rebekah’s

My wonderful son & his wife volunteered to cook this year.  It was such a blessing to not be standing in the kitchen for 2 days.  We wouldn’t have had such a good meal to share if I’d had to cook.  We brought the pies & they did the rest.  

Blessings of the week -

4.  Cecily

Snuggles, giggles, playing, flying with grandpa, toothless smiles.  We miss her so much and love getting to visit.  I'm thankful that they are only an hour & a half away.

Blessings of the week -
Blessings of the week -

5.  New Dish Cloths

Yeah I know seems silly but these colors make me happy.  And all my nasty stained cloths are GONE!

Blessings of the week -
Blessings of the week -

6.  Pumpkins

I'm slowly cooking our pumpkins from this year and freezing the mashed up pumpkin for later use in cookies, pumpkin fluff, & pie!

7.  My camera

Before Cecily was born, we invested in a new Lumix camera because our old camera has serious issues.  I'm so THRILLED with the quality of the photos we are getting.  It's still simple enough for the kids to use when I hand it to them(mom's gotta be in the photos sometimes you know) but lots of options for not letting the computer do all the adjusting.

8.  Getting ahead is working

Before surgery I worked out a plan to get ahead on cooking, shopping for Christmas gifts & cleaning. 

  • The pantry & freezers are stocked.  I have a short list of things to get in the next couple of weeks and I want to make menus for December but we are prepped for food in December. 
  • Yesterday Steve & I started shopping on line(LOVE!) and today I’m going to make the list of what we need yet to do. 
  • The house is cleaner & I have a list for the family to work on so they know what needs to be done each day.

9.  Slow mornings & being ready

I'm so grateful that I don't have to be anywhere early these days.  The worst times of the day are early and late.  I have dreaded this surgery for years but I think I'm ready.  Ready for not hurting.  Ready to be able to do things like walk, bend, put on my socks.  Yeah I know it's sad but hey just keeping it real.

10.  Sleep

I know several of my friends have been specifically praying that I could sleep better.  It's working guys.  If I can sleep then the days are easier.  Not as grouchy.  Don't feel down & depressed.  Healthier.  It is all good and I'm very grateful.

I'm so blessed.  So now it is your turn.  What blessings are you counting this week? 

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