Day to Day Adventures

Blessings from the week volume 7

Kim BrushComment

Some weeks you look ahead to and say "wow that's going to be interesting(sarcasm)"

This week was like that.  We have been running nonstop. 

On top of the usual school, housework, studying & living some or all of us have canned tomatoes(2x), gone to a concert, visited a college & the weekend looks busy as well.

These are the weeks that are hard for me to find the blessings.  I feel frazzled from all the running. 

I've turned in to a morning person lately but today I just wanted to pull the covers over my head and sleep for 12 hours.  That didn't happen though--we had a full day ahead.  So I enjoyed the silence before the chaos.  The sun rose and I focused on what has gone right this week.

1. Cleaning schedule

I took 30 minutes on Monday to work out what tasks need to be done to maintain the house this week. 

I was running in circles and I felt overwhelmed. 

This helped calm my anxiety.

Blessings -
Blessings -

2.  Peanut butter cups & french toast

No, these do not go together.   They are two things I make from scratch.  I have not had time to make them.  The peanut butter cups are my treat and I was missing them.  A LOT.  I love peanut butter. 

I made a bunch of French toast on Monday and was able to freeze them.  I've also made some other extra breakfast food for the days we are in a hurry.  I have a funny story about eating cookies for breakfast that I will tell in an upcoming post.

3. Pain Medication

Unfortunately Elizabeth's pain & fatigue is worse again.  We are trying to analyze the reason and it isn't easy.  She's had to take more pain meds again to make it through her days.  She dropped a class and if that doesn't help then she's considering moving home and commuting.

Also I've been to see the hip doctor because the pain in my bad hip is increasing.  I'm back to physical therapy to see if I can get some improvement.  Physical therapy is good--but it hurts.  So I am also VERY thankful for pain medication.

Some weeks it's harder to count blessings each day.  It makes a huge difference in my attitude and how I approach hard days. 

Focusing on what you do have turns your mind away from what you don't.