Day to Day Adventures

The search for GREAT books!

Kim Brush5 Comments

I'm searching for more GREAT books for 2016!  Sometimes finding an awesome book is a little like looking for a needle in a haystack.  You have to sift through all the normal hay to find that special "needle."  Are you looking for some good books to read?  Here are my "good" books from November.

How to do cooking lessons with teens

Kim Brush6 Comments

Did you know that I don’t make breakfast anymore?  Actually I don’t make breakfast or lunch for my kids.  Now before you get all upset, you need to realize that my “kids” at home are 14 and 20.  They are quite capable of making their own lunch and breakfast.  But I am a little concerned by my 14 year old son.  He is clinging to the same breakfast and lunch everyday and I want him to have more ideas in his repertoire.  We are going to have some teen cooking lessons going on here in November.  This will be an adventure as he’s not so excited about the whole concept of learning to cook.

No Stress Freezer Meals - Chicken version

In the KitchenKim Brush4 Comments

If you knew me in real life you would realize pretty quick that my motto is Keep it Simple Sweetie! 

In the kitchen that means FREEZER MEALS as much as possible.  Crockpot meals are also another BIG way to reduce my meal preparation stress. Needing to remember to thaw meat and have ingredients doesn't make my life simple.  In fact it causes me considerable stress.  (can I get an AMEN?)  So in the fall, I order chicken from Zaycon Fresh and process 80 pounds of chicken into freezer meals over a few days.  Why do I order that much chicken?  Well let me tell you!